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JPMorgan Chase Deploys First $10 Million of Chicago Investment

Initial investments focused on creating economic opportunity through job training, revitalizing neighborhoods, small business expansion and financial health.

November 22, 2017 (Chicago) – JPMorgan Chase & Co. today announced that it has deployed the first $10 million of its $40 million, three-year investment to create economic opportunity in Chicago’s underserved neighborhoods. 这些最初的投资主要集中在城市的南部和西部,并致力于为人们提供有需求的职业, helping small businesses expand, revitalizing neighborhoods, and improving financial health.

"There is hope for solving Chicago’s greatest challenges if business, civic and nonprofit organizations are willing to work together and focus their investments where it is needed most,” said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase. “The collaboration we’ve seen thus far is exciting, and it gives us the confidence to make these investments. 我们期待看到它能为芝加哥南部和西部的居民创造一个繁荣和更有希望的未来带来什么影响.”

Through these investments, JPMorgan Chase is collaborating with local business, government and nonprofits partners such as Boeing, the Blackstone Charitable Foundation and the Polk Bros Foundation to tackle a lack of economic opportunity, which is the root cause of Chicago’s concentrated poverty, persistent racial and economic inequalities and gun violence. The firm, which has a 150-plus year history in Chicago and nearly 14,000 employees in the area, 依靠数据和员工的专业知识来最大限度地发挥其慈善投资的影响力,帮助非营利合作伙伴扩大规模,帮助服务不足的芝加哥人.

Specifically, the initial investments are focused on equipping workers with critical skills, helping women and minority-owned entrepreneurs by providing them with the capital and expertise they need to grow, 通过投资于本地驱动的解决方案,帮助个人获得建立强大金融未来所需的技能和工具,振兴服务不足的社区. 

Workforce Readiness$5.7 million
投资正在帮助制定数据驱动的城市劳动力投资战略,并帮助解决芝加哥南部和西部一些社区的失业问题, which exceeds 30 percent. 这些项目致力于帮助芝加哥人获得所需的技能,以确保在医疗保健和先进制造业等新兴领域获得高质量的工作.

Notable partners and investments include the Brazier Foundation’s Robotics Technician Training & Support Program, North Lawndale Employment Network’s Moving Forward Rail and Diesel Mechanic Training, 拉什大学医学中心的芝加哥公立学校学生健康信息技术途径和心脏地带联盟的快速就业和发展倡议.

Investment Spotlight -北朗代尔就业网络的“通往职业机会的桥梁”项目与芝加哥交通管理局合作,开展了一项为期8至12周的铁路和柴油机械培训项目,主要服务于西区的低收入居民, many of whom are returning from incarceration. 这个项目帮助芝加哥交通局和其他地区的雇主解决了劳动力问题,这些雇主在芝加哥日益增长的交通业中很难找到训练有素的柴油机械师来从事高薪工作, Distribution, and Logistics sector. Diesel mechanics can earn as much as $30/hour.

“The Moving Program is a win-win for the West side,” said Brenda Palms-Barber, Executive Director, North Lawndale Employment Network. “我们正在为芝加哥交通管理局解决一个主要的劳工项目,并为芝加哥人提供生活工资的工作,使他们在一个不断发展的行业中走上一条好的职业道路. 我们感谢澳博官方网站app一直以来对我们组织和北朗代尔社区的支持,以及那些努力重新站起来,为自己和家人创造更好生活的人.”

Neighborhood Revitalization$1.9 million
投资为芝加哥社区的重建和改造提供了资金,通过融资和杠杆化资本来建设住宅, commercial and retail development projects that often lack access to conventional financing, spurring others to invest.

Notable partners and investments include Community Investment Corporation, IFF, Community Facilities Fund and the Metropolitan Planning Council.

Investment Spotlight – To strengthen the nonprofit sector on the South and West sides, JPMorgan Chase is investing in two new programs through IFF (formerly the Illinois Facilities Fund). 第一笔投资建立了芝加哥社区设施基金,为芝加哥的非营利组织提供财政资源,以改善健康食品的获取, childcare, healthcare and job services through new community facilities. 第二笔投资将帮助大约20家芝加哥非营利组织改善财务状况,增加房地产和净资产. The initial nonprofits working to strengthen and expand their organizations include Albany Park Community Center, Austin Coming Together, BUILD, Inc., Centers for New Horizons, Chinese Mutual Aid Association, Greater Chatham Initiative, La Casa Norte, LUCHA, National Latino Education Institute, and the North Lawndale Employment Network.

“We are so proud to work with JPMorgan Chase to invest in and strengthen Chicago’s network of nonprofits,” said Joe Neri, President and Chief Executive Officer, IFF. “We couldn’t do this work without the help from JPMorgan Chase. Together, the nonprofits we work with are making a difference in the lives of Chicagoans, from providing access to fresh and healthy food, healthcare and a better education, they’re an essential part of the social fabric of our communities.”

Small Businesses Development–$2 million

Notable partners and investments include Blue 1647, Women’s Business Development Center/ScaleUp Greater Englewood, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Tech Incubator, 1871’s Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center and ASCEND 2020.

Investment Spotlight 澳博官方网站app的投资将使妇女商业发展中心(WBDC)扩展到芝加哥南部的Englewood社区, delivering business services, ongoing mentorship and technical assistance, access to growth capital or direct lending, and expanded networks to neighborhood-based entrepreneurs. In 2015, WBDC被选为小型企业管理局(SBA)首批全国八家获奖企业之一,为由于缺乏强大的经济发展基础设施而经历缓慢或没有增长的小型企业社区提供规模扩大计划. WBDC used the SBA funding to launch a pilot in Aurora, Illinois. Based on the success of that pilot, JPMorgan Chase’s support will allow WBDC to expand ScaleUp to Englewood.

"Innovation is the key to growth and if we want our communities to thrive, we have to make it easier for women to get the skills they need to excel with and in the tech field," said Emilia DiMenco, Chief Executive Officer, Women’s Business Development Center. “澳博官方网站app和WBDC正在投资于我们女性劳动力的未来,并将我们的变革性规模扩大计划带到Englewood社区.”

Financial Capability$850,000
对金融能力项目的投资支持创新的新产品和服务,这些产品和服务利用技术和洞察力,通过增加储蓄来帮助消费者抵御金融冲击, improved credit and personal asset growth.

Notable partners and investments include Mercy Housing Lakefront, Spanish Coalition for Housing, Local Initiatives Support Corporation and University of Chicago Poverty Lab.

Investment Spotlight – With JPMorgan Chase’s investment, Mercy Housing Lakefront is developing, implementing, and evaluating an asset building program at two of its affordable housing communities, including the recently opened Lofts on Arthington in North Lawndale, serving more than 400 low-income Chicago households. Services provided through the program include financial coaching, matched savings incentives, rent reporting for credit building and partnerships with other organizations for specialized financial products and services. 该计划旨在使居民能够更好地管理他们的金融未来,并减少历史上面临资产建设重大障碍的社区的不平等.

“When low-income Chicagoans have access to affordable housing, they have increased financial capacity, and we’re in a unique position to help them reach their goals by integrating asset building programming,” said Mark Angelini, President, Mercy Housing Lakefront. “JPMorgan Chase’s continued support and expertise in both these areas will be integral to reaching and helping more families.”

What’s Next in 2018
Over the next three years, JPMorgan Chase will continue to make investments that help create economic opportunity in Chicago. 未来的投资和计划将继续将公司的数据与包括人力资本在内的业务专业知识结合起来, management expertise, and partnerships.

  • The Fellowship Initiative (TFI), a national program created by JPMorgan Chase to prepare young men of color for college and career success, expanded in Chicago this fall to serve a new class of 60 students from over a dozen high schools. Through TFI, 来自经济困难社区的芝加哥学生将参加密集的学术支持和领导力发展项目, provided through partnerships with leading Chicago nonprofits like Mikva Challenge, Young Chicago Authors, Bottom Line, Illinois Mentoring Partnership and others. JPMorgan Chase employees volunteer as mentors to the Fellows for three years, supporting their transition to college. The first class of 39 TFI Fellows in Chicago graduated this year, with promising outcomes such as 100 percent high school graduation and college acceptance rates. This year, the program grew nationally to serve students in Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, and New York.
  • 下一批澳博官方网站app服务公司的员工将于2018年来到芝加哥,为关键社区的非营利组织提供支持. This three-week, skills-based volunteer program, allows the firm’s top-performing employees to share their expertise with nonprofit partners to expand their community impact. In total, 45 employees over the next few years will volunteer their expertise with key Chicago nonprofits.
  • The JPMorgan Chase Institute, a think tank that draws on the firm’s unique proprietary data, expertise and market access to develop insights into local and global economies, 将在2018年分享一项新的研究,该研究调查了芝加哥人的居住地与他们经常购买日常商品和服务的商家所在地之间的距离. This research, which previously looked at access to everyday goods in Detroit and New York City, 将分析芝加哥主要社区中哪种类型的零售最容易和最不容易进入,并确定一系列服务和收入群体之间的差距.

About JPMorgan Chase & Co
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.6 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. serves millions of customers in the United States and many of the world's most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at v34.cfematico.com.

Media Contact
Stephanie Bosh, stephanie.a.bosh@jpmorgan.com