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澳博官方网站app任命Daniel Pinto和Gordon Smith为公司联席总裁和联席首席运营官

January 29, 2018 (New York) — JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)今天宣布,其公司首席执行官Daniel Pinto(55岁 & 投资银行和戈登史密斯(59岁),消费者的首席执行官 & Community Banking, 被任命为公司的联席总裁和联席首席运营官, effective tomorrow, continuing to report to Jamie Dimon (61), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In addition to their current roles, 平托和史密斯将与戴蒙密切合作,帮助推动全公司的关键机会. 公司运营委员会其他成员的职责将保持不变, with its members continuing to report to Dimon as well.

“虽然董事会和我已经同意我将继续担任目前的职位大约五年, 我们今天宣布的晋升反映了戈登和丹尼尔为公司的持续成功做出的巨大贡献. 两人都有在公司内部成功合作的记录, and both truly possess the capabilities, character and intellect that exemplify great leadership. 有请丹尼尔·平托,世界上最大最成功的公司的总裁 & Investment Bank, and Gordon Smith, CEO of America’s top consumer financial company, serve as Co-Presidents and Co-COOs of our company, 展示我们管理团队的实力,并正式认可他们所扮演的重要角色,” Dimon said. 戴蒙补充说,平托和史密斯在各自的业务中都是领先的创新者,他们采用尖端技术和客户解决方案,为他们赢得了持续增长的市场份额. 随着公司努力推动其批发和消费者客户的持续健康增长,这些技能尤为重要.

“我还想说,我非常感谢我们运营委员会的其他成员, the top leaders of our company, 是谁让我们的公司更上一层楼,是谁支持我们的决定. 他们将继续担任目前的职务,并在各种跨公司计划中帮助我和他们的其他同事. Our other outstanding CEOs, Mary Erdoes (50), Asset and Wealth Management, and Doug Petno (52), Commercial Bank, along with our Chief Financial Officer, Marianne Lake (48), 去年承担了更多的角色,并在整个公司的合作中发挥了越来越重要的作用,帮助管理公司.”

管理继任计划是公司董事会的最高优先事项, 通过不受限制的接触和重要的互动,董事会对公司的高层领导人非常了解. The Board and Dimon both believe that under all timing scenarios, whether today or in the future, the company has several highly capable successors in place. 公司的许多高层领导除了自己的具体任务外,还承担了公司范围内的责任,并展示了他们在最高水平上的管理能力.


“被任命为这所非凡机构的校长,我感到非常荣幸和谦卑,” said Daniel Pinto, “我非常幸运能和戈登·史密斯分享这个角色, who has been an outstanding partner and friend to me. We both care deeply about our company and our people, 我们致力于在澳博官方网站app的巨大成功基础上再接再厉.”

Gordon Smith added, “我深深体会到,担任这一更广泛的角色是一种巨大的荣誉和责任, and I couldn’t ask for a better partner in Daniel. 我们几乎每天都交谈,我非常珍视他的忠告和友谊. 我很荣幸能代表我们数百万的客户和客户,与他和我在运营委员会的其他优秀同事一起工作,并帮助澳博官方网站app培养下一代领导人.”

About Daniel Pinto

Daniel Pinto is the CEO of the largest and most successful Corporate & Investment Bank in the world. 他在澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)度过了整个35年的职业生涯,并负责管理公司 & Investment Bank for the past five years, 一个在市场份额和收入方面都名列前茅的多元化业务部门, including investment banking, trading, treasury services, prime brokerage and custody. 他以交易员的身份开始了他的职业生涯,并在公司的市场业务中承担了越来越多的责任, the largest in the world, before becoming CEO. In 2017, 丹尼尔和戈登·史密斯还负责整个公司的技术, which plays a major role inside the CIB. Daniel has prioritized technology investments across J.P. Morgan, from cutting edge e-trading and mobile technologies, 到每天处理5万亿美元的批发支付业务和提供保护的托管业务, monitors and grows more than $23 trillion in assets for clients.

About Gordon Smith

戈登·史密斯领导着美国领先的消费者和社区银行业务, with 140,1000名员工为6100万户家庭和400万家小企业提供服务. The Chase businesses he manages are leaders in payments, banking, home lending, small business lending, auto finance, and merchant services. 他还与丹尼尔·平托(Daniel Pinto)一起管理公司的技术和数据. Gordon is known as being an exceptional people manager, a passionate advocate for the customer and a digital innovator. 史密斯于2007年加入大通,此前他曾在美国运通(American Express)工作,负责该公司所有的美国业务.S. 在加入澳博官方网站app之前,他曾担任其全球商业卡的总裁.

About JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.5 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at v34.cfematico.com.